Raising Steam Magazine
The Steam Apprentice Club produces a quarterly magazine 'Raising Steam' which is free to all our members.
It provides information about events, competitions, news and stories. We are always looking for YOUR input.
There are several ways for you to send us your
articles/photos/stories, etc.
Send it by post:
The address of the editor, Kevin Munn
is inside the cover of Raising Steam.
Send it by e-mail:
Fill in the web form
Extras from the Magazine!
Every now and then, we get an article, or some photos, where there is too much information to fit into the magazine.
Here is where you' find the extra bits that we couldn't print
January 2013
The Technical Achievement Award - George Balsdon
December 2009. The first few foundation ring rivets being fitted with hydraulic riveter. | April 2010. One of the first parts I made- one of a pair of valve rod gland 'stuffers.' |
May 2010. The first part I turned from scratch- the bronze 'puck' for the regulator. | January 2011. Two part machined pipework flanges at different stages- every flange on the pipework had to be either machined from scratch (steel) or machined from a casting (bronze) |
January 2011. The finished pump gear clutch, machined and fabricated entirely from scratch using photos. | February 2011. Two finished fabricated brake shoes, with the parts used to make them in the background. |
February 2011. One of a pair of handles I turned for operating the cylinder drain taps, the material for the next handle stands beside it. Around 3 hours work in one of these alone. | February 2011. New big end oiler machined by copying original, new on left, original on right. |
May 2011. After every nearly weekend since February spent finishing off and testing, the lagging finally begins to go on. | May 2011. Tender given its first coat of paint by Dad. Shows many of the new parts, including the brake assembly and the pipework, taps and injector. |
January 2013
'Kate' - Aveling & Porter roller owned by Kevin Munn
The finished firebox, ready for fitting. | The boiler of 'Kate' |
Kate's new smokebox has been fitted | The old Smokebox |
January 2012
A Wagon for the Garrett - A build diary for a traction wagon made for the Cook family's 4" Garrett.
Click here to see the photo gallery of the build.
Magazine Back Issues
For those of you who may have lost your magazine, or if you're just passing through and are wondering what the magazine is like, we're now including magazine downloads here on the website.
From now on we will have the last 4 back issues of Raising Steam for you to download.
To keep it fair for our paying members, each new magazine will be added to the website when the next issue has been published, for example the January edition will be available to download once the April edition has been posted out.
See below for Downloads
January 2017 | April 2017 | July 2017 | October 2017 |
To view Raising Steam you need Adobe Reader. Click here to download.
Log Book Scheme
The Steam Apprentice Club runs a log book scheme, where you can record your progress as an Apprentice.
The aim of the scheme is to allow you to keep a record of your experience on steam engines.
It also allows enginemen to see what experience a new apprentice has, and lists procedures and areas of engine management to learn.
Also, after you have completed all areas of the log book, both practical and technical, and are eligible for a provisional drivers licence, you can progress to do the Steam Traction Engine Competency Test.
Log books are available for £5. Please contact the NTET Sales Officer, Kathy Smith, for more details. sales@ntet.co.uk.
If you already have a log book, but have run out of space in
sections 2, 3, 4 or 5, you can download extra blank pages HERE.
The Steam Apprentice Club has produces two badges, a fabric badge to be sewn to clothing and an enamel pin badge.
For more information, please contact the NTET Sales Officer, Kathy Smith - sales@ntet.co.uk.