Annual General Meeting
Zoom Webinar

Due to the on-going coronavirus pandemic, it will not be possible to hold the Annual General Meeting in its usual format. In order to comply with the law we need to hold an AGM to fulfil the relevant legal requirements, thus the format of the AGM will reflect this. We shall hold the meeting as a Zoom Webinar on 21st November 2020, at 2:30pm.
- The Zoom Webinar will be open to members and non-members with a ceiling of 500 participants; it can be accessed using an internet browser or via the Zoom client which can be downloaded to a PC, Laptop, Tablet or Smartphone. It is not a requirement that attendees have a Zoom account.
- Attendees will be able to see and hear the panel of speakers which will consist of the President, Chairman, General Secretary, Treasurer, Section Heads, Membership Secretary, and the Sales Officer.
- The members of the panel of speakers will not be able to see or hear the attendees.
- The Registration Form will require some personal details to be provided and a corresponding membership number where applicable.
- Registration for attendance at the Webinar will close on 18th November.
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. An attendee will be able to join the Webinar using only one device.
Although members will be unable to attend in person, members views remain of utmost important to us.
- We shall use the Zoom Q & A facility to allow participants to raise questions via their keyboards. These questions will not be answered in ‘real time’.
- The Webinar will be presented in 2 parts with a 15 minute break between. Part 1 will deal with the statutory business of AGM, Part 2 will be used to provide answers to questions raised.
- It may not be possible to answer all questions in the allocated time but all answers will be published on this page within 48 hours of the end of the webinar.
There will be no ‘live’ voting during the webinar. All members are encouraged to exercise their votes by submitting their ballot forms either electronically or by post. The results will be announced during the AGM. The voting form has been published in the AGM Booklet. If submitting by email, please use the form and scan it as an attachment. Please return it by Wednesday 18th November via the postal address stated in the booklet, or email it to: general.secretary@ntet.co.uk
General Council members retiring by rotation after their terms of office are Charlie Cribbes, Andy Rimell, Kathy Smith, and Mark Waite. All are standing for re-election.
Robert Clifford-Wing seeks election as the Trust’s Chairman.
Louise Maunder seeks election on to the General Council.