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Who’s Who?

National Traction Engine Trust

Andrew Semple

Vice Presidents:
Dick Blenkinsop

Members of the General Council:

Robert Clifford-Wing (

General Secretary:
Anne Whittingstall (

Vice Chairman & Engine Owners Section:
Bob Siddall (

Vice Chairman:


Amy Reynolds (

Head of Technical Services Unit:
Tony Seddon (

Rally Organisers & Authorisation Section:
Position Vacant (

Public Relations:
Position Vacant  (

Sales Officer:
Kathy Smith (

Membership Secretary:
Richard Semple (

Systems Support:
Vacant (

Other General Council Members: Tom Attwood, Joe Black, Nick Bosworth, John Durling, James Huntley,  Louise Maunder*, Dee Searle*, Tony Seddon,  Mark Waite*, Anne Whittingstall*

*Please contact via

Ex Officio Officers

Coal Trials Co-ordinator:
Tom Attwood (

Competency Scheme Administrator:
Andrew Semple (

Compliance Officer:
Charlotte Garbett (

FBHVC Officer:
John Durling (

Insurance Disc Administrator:
Louise Maunder (

Lost Registrations Officer:
John Hunt (

Rally/Event Authorisation:
vacant (

Spares Register:
Richard Semple (

Steaming Magazine:
Paul Ritchie – Editor (
Steaming Around (

Training Officer:
Joe Black (

Steam Apprentice Club

Paul Stingmore (

Vice Chairman:
Louise Maunder

SAC Publicity:
Rebecca Hurley (

SAC Committee:
James Huntley, Rebecca Hurley, Louise Maunder, Gareth Ellis,
*Please contact via or

Raising Steam:
James Huntley – Editor (

SAC Membership:
Richard Semple (



Lord Faulkner of Worcester




Sir Robert Goodwill, MP
Owner/driver of ploughing engines and supporter of the preservation movement.



Judy, Lady McAlpine.
Owner of a large collection of vintage vehicles and Steam Engines.



James Hervey-Bathurst, CBE, DL
Engine Owner, Expert on Heritage Properties, Chairman of the Heritage Fuels Alliance



The Rt Hon
 Lord Forsyth of Drumlean
A distinguished politician who served as Secretary of State for Scotland from 1995 to 1997. Since 1999 he has been a member of the House of Lords.


Independent Accountants

Charles Lovell & Co, 8 Church Green East, Redditch, Worcestershire. BN98 8BP