Minutes of the 2022 NTET AGM
Saturday 19 November 2022 – 2:30pm
Held at the Needham House Hotel, Bedford and as a Zoom Webinar
Attendees: xx as per the register and xx via Zoom.
1. President’s Welcome – Andrew Semple The President welcomed all to the meeting what he described as “the modern way”.
2.1 Chairman’s Welcome – Rob Clifford-Wing
The chairman called for a moments silence to remember those who we have lost over the past year.
The chairman welcomed all to the meeting, both in the room and those who joined via the benefit of Zoom. The chairman is grateful to be collaborating with the Bedford Club once again and gives thanks to them for their support in organising this joint event.
2.2. Apologies received from: Richard Bartrop; Tom Borland; David Crampton; Anthony Coulls; Charlie Cribbes; Steve Durance; Colin Harris; Robert Herring; Paul Hilditch; Alan Holmes; Allan Marchington; Roger Mills; Jeffery Shackell; Bob Siddall; Bill Starling; and John Wakeham.
3. Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on 20th November 2021. This was proposed by Naomi Cornish, seconded by Nick Bosworth, and was accepted by all those who voted.
3.1. Matters Arising from the previous minutes.
Nothing has been raised, and most matters will be updated during the meeting.
4. To Receive the Chairman’s Report – Rob Wing
The chairman reports that the year to March 2022 operating activities were similar to the previous year. Covid-19 continued to restrict “normal” business with most rallies being cancelled, however, all other trust sections functioned normally. The chairman reminds attendees that the year to 31st March does not include the summer just past, with the Trust producing a surplus of £9,158. £3,500 was set aside for the Trust’s charitable commitments which includes the Environmental Fund. The quieter year was used to improve member services and operating platforms. Last year, the return of a face-to-face AGM was held as a hybrid event in Swindon which helped increase attendance. Thanks were given to Naomi Cornish and Nick Bosworth for organising these links. Lord Faulkner was welcomed last year as our new Patron and attendees were reminded of the address he gave which recognised the work and achievements held within the House of Lords.
The chairman recalled that membership subscription rates had not been looked at in ten years which had depreciated the real value of it by over 30%. It was then proposed by the General Council to increase the rates to £40, and members views were taken into consideration, with the majority in favour of the increase. The chairman reminded members that GC took this back for further discussion and the agreed increase to £38 was had, with the added benefit of being able to claim gift aid.
The chairman gave thanks to the trustees and especially David Smith the TSU team for their efforts in stabilising the supply of coal and the implementation of the web-based boiler disc system.
Communication remains the focus of the Trust and thanks were given to the newly formed “comms group” for improving the flow of communication to the membership, including the programme of webinars.
The chairman looked forward to the season just had, with the Trust engaging in various events, and looks forward to being invited by other events around the country next year. The Great Dorset Steam Fair was a success for the Trust, with the new initiative of the SAC PlayPen which was very well received. This will be offered to other events in 2023. The chairman reflects on the current economic climate, with coal supplies being affected by the happenings in Ukraine as well as the difficulties of supply from Foss-y-Fran. The development of alternative fuels continues to be researched and trialled.
The chairman concludes that he is grateful for the support he and the Trustees have received in what has been a challenging year and appreciates those who have attended the AGM both in-person or via Zoom. The chairman asks everyone to go and spread the word about the Trust and would like to see a united movement that can have a strong voice which will be heard by all, and to encourage the next generation of enthusiasts as they are the future.
a. Membership – Richard Semple
The membership Secretary reports that a very successful Dorset was had with around 140 new steam apprentices joining on the day, no doubt helped by the new miniature playpen area. A run-down on the membership figures were stated. Richard asks that members renewing by cheque to please include the slip from Steaming and put membership number on the back. The membership secretary also asked members to consider if they are eligible for Gift Aid and to check we have members contact details in case contact is required. Direct Debit scheme to replace the current Standing Order system should be in place soon. The membership secretary concludes by pleaded for everyone’s continued support.
b. Technical Services Unit – David Smith
David Smith opens by explaining the various topics the TSU section deal with, including legislation watch, environmental issues, inspection standards, liaison with other bodies, coal supply and IT support. An update on the coal situation was given: David looks back on the TSU objectives and explains the good and the bad. The TSU roles are about to be adjusted with Tony Seddon being announced as the new Head. Charlotte Garbett is introduced as the compliance officer, John Durling continues to be the FBHVC link, Tom Attwood the coal trials and future fuels co-ordinator, Louise Maunder who does the administration of the Insurance Discs, Colin Harris as the lost registrations officer, with David Smith giving I.T. support.
c. Rally Organiser’s Report – Charlie Cribbes No report had been provided.
d. Engine Owner’s Report – Bob Siddall
David Smith reads out Bob Siddall’s report, who sends his apologies to the meeting. The 2022 Engine Owners Conference was held as a webinar this year with coal and the usual subjects being discussed. It was reported that the Driving Course in May was successful with 24 students attending. Thanks were given to all involved, especially the Davis family for hosting the event at their premises. The next Engine Owners Conference is to be held on Saturday 21st January 2023 at Kilsby Village Hall and the dates for the 2023 driving course were given as 13th and 14th May.
e. Steam Apprentice Club Report – Nick Bosworth
The SAC acting chairman opens by saying 2022 has been a welcomed return to normality with five driving day events being held with over 50 apprentices taking part. Lady Sylvia has been to several events this year including Great Dorset and the Sutton on Trent Festival. The acting chair reports this years’ Dorset was one of the most successful for the club. He explains about the new miniature playpen and the gaining of over 140 new members. Other activities were explained such as the tours, competitions and cavalcade. Nick Bosworth explained the SAC is run by a very small committee and asked if anyone can offer assistance to please get in touch via sac.chairman@ntet.co.uk Looking forward it is hoped to get to some different events. Lady Sylvia has her 10 year hydraulic test which is due to take place at the NTET Driving Course as an additional training tool. She is to undergo maintenance during the winter. Raising Steam bumper edition is due out in January and pleads for articles.
The acting chair concludes by thanking all those who have made this successful year possible.
The Chairman’s Report was Proposed by Rob Wing and Seconded by Nick Bosworth with full approval from the members who voted.
6. To Receive the Full Accounts & Balance Sheet – Amy Reynolds
The Treasurer opens her report by giving her personal highlights within her role. She explains the move to new accountancy software and reminds about gift aid declarations, giving the figure of gift aid we have accumulated in the first 6-months alone as shy of £4,000. The figures for the statutory accounts, which lead to March 2022, were given, explaining where funds have been allocated to, income had, sales figures and the Trusts operating costs, making the comparison to the previous year. Please refer to the 2022 AGM Booklet for full details of the accounts. Full copies of the account records are available upon request.
The budgets for the 2022/23 year show a return to normalcy as expected. The treasurer explains we are 6-months into the current financial year and reports that early indication shows a healthy result.
The treasurer explains the Trust has cash in reserves which has recently had a financial boost thanks to a generous donation from the Estate of Mr Beeby. The aims and objectives of the Trust are empathised and opens up to the membership asking for ideas where they think the Trust should be investing money to for our future. Questions are opened up to the room.
The Treasurer’s Report was Proposed by Amy Reynolds and Seconded by Naomi Cornish, and all agreed from the members who voted.
7. To Appoint Independent Examiners Charles Lovell & Co. Proposed by Amy Reynolds, seconded by Naomi Cornish. All agreed from the members who voted.
8. To Elect / Re-elect General Council Members in Accordance with Article 19.
Election Results:
President re-elected: Andrew Semple; Vice Presented Elected: David Smith
General Council members re-elected: Joe Black, Jim Huntley, Dee Searle and Bob Siddall.
General Council Members Elected: Tom Attwood, Amy Reynolds and Anne Whittingstall.
9. AOB BESTT: Andrew Semple
Andrew Semple reports that BESTT activity has been limited this year due to major challenges including recovery from the effects of Covid, lack of custom and of course the fuel crisis as part of escalating operating costs. In January a boiler washout course was held at the North Norfolk Railway and April saw a re-tubing course take place. Two, four-day riveting courses took place at LMS Loughborough including one participant from Greece, and a white metalling course has been developed with considerable input from Colin Hatch but is presently “on the back burner” as a suitable location is required to hold it. A “fitness to run” course is being developed for the railways. BESTT is always on the lookout for new recruits to join the team and they have come a long way since a small group met in Keighley Technical College some twenty years ago. Gordon Newton the chairman and driving force behind BESTT is looking to stand down.
BESTT are open to ideas of what they can do to help owners and users of steam engines. The website is active, and thanks are given to Naomi Cornish for sharing their Facebook posts on NTETs page.
The chairman formally closed the meeting to enable proceeding to the guest speaker, Stuart Gray, followed by the trophy presentations. It was proposed that next year’s Annual General Meeting will be held in York although it is not confirmed at this time.
Meeting Formally Closed at: 16:03