Welcome to the National Traction Engine Trust.
Before you proceed to join us, we need to draw your attention to the following points:

Email: To enable us to contact you in an efficient manner, and for access to be gained to the Members Area of our website, an email address is required. If you are unable to provide an email address you will not be able to join online, nor have access to the members only area, however, we still want you to join and you can do this manually, either by post or phone.
Click here to view and download the manual application form (and Direct Debit Mandate).
Memorandum and Articles of Association: The NTET is a registered charity and company limited by guarantee. The Memorandum and Articles of Association are the legally binding rules by which the NTET operates; it is important that you read them. To view the M&A’s Click Here
Completing the Application: As mentioned above, the online joining process contains some mandatory fields. We encourage you to provide as much optional information as you feel comfortable with; it will be treated as having your consent for the NTET to use. All data will be useful to help make decisions about how the NTET develops its future strategies.
Payment: PayPal handles our on-line payments but you do not need to have a PayPal account to use the facility, you may also pay by Credit or Debit card.
Privacy: The NTET is committed to ensuring that any personal information it holds about members is secure and accurate; however, this is our joint responsibility. Therefore, you may access your account online at any time to keep your details up to date.
Please be assured that in keeping with our GDPR Policy, your information will never be sold, lent, hired or passed on to any third party. We do, however, provide names and addresses to the printing company for the purpose of delivering ‘Steaming’ and ‘Raising Steam’ magazines. They have also pledged to protect your information in accordance with GDPR requirements.
Skills: The NTET is managed and operated entirely by unpaid volunteers. It is something we are very proud of. However, the future management and operation relies entirely on volunteers coming forward. Should a position become available and you are interested in volunteering, we would appreciate it very much if you would share any skills you have. Please complete this Survey Monkey if you would be interested in helping us in the future.
Health & Safety: The NTET has a Health & Safety Policy designed to ensure that members understand their obligations to each other, as well as members of the public. The NTET’s obligations are also laid down in the policy. To read our Health and Safety Policy Click Here
Welcome Pack: Once your application has been processed, you will be sent via post the latest issue of ‘Steaming’, a free back issue of ‘Steaming’ for further reading, your membership card, and an NTET car sticker. If you have supplied an email address, you will also receive login details to your membership account. If signed up to a Joint or Family Membership group, you will receive one of any copy of ‘Steaming’ or ‘Raising Steam’.
Before you proceed, please read:
By proceeding with your membership, you agree to abide by all of the above conditions and policies.
If you wish to Renew your membership, please click here.
Annual membership subscription rates: effective from 1st April 2022
NTET Individual Membership: £38.00
Affiliated Club Membership: £38.00
Joint Adult Membership: £57.00
Single SAC Membership: £15.00
Joint SAC Membership: £22.50
Fam 1 (1 NTET + 1 SAC): £53.00
Fam 2 (1 NTET + 2 SAC): £60.50
Fam 3 (2 NTET + 1 SAC): £72.00
Fam 4 (2 NTET + 2 SAC): £79.50

Gift Aid is a scheme available to charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs). It means they can claim extra money from HMRC.
Under this scheme the NTET, as a registered charity, can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you pay as your membership subscription. That is as long as you’ve paid enough tax and make the donation from your own funds.
That means Gift Aid can increase the value of your subscription by 25%, and provide the NTET with further funds at no cost to yourself.
To learn more about how you can increase the value of your subscription click on this link
‘Adding Value to you Membership Subscriptions with Gift Aid‘
After clicking on ‘Agree to Join’ below and then choosing a membership type we will be ask you to indicate whether or not you agree to ‘Gift Aid’ your subscription.