Making this payment does not guarantee a place at the event. If the event is over-subscribed, a final decision will be made a few weeks before the event.
Add this item to your basket, and complete checkout to make payment.
You must include the SAC membership number of the apprentice in the “ORDER NOTES” at checkout so we can match this payment with your application.
SAC Driving Day – Herts Club (Formerly St.Albans)
This item is payment for attending the SAC driving day at St Albans on Sunday and Monday, 26th/27th May 2024
St Albans is a two day event.
Please note, you must also send an application form for this event to the SAC.
Making this payment does not guarantee a place at the event. If the event is over-subscribed, a final decision will be made a few weeks before the event.
Add this item to your basket, and complete checkout to make payment.
You must include the SAC membership number of the apprentice in the “ORDER NOTES” at checkout so we can match this payment with your application.
Additional information
Saturday (£20), Saturday & Sunday (£25)
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