Annual Subscriptions Rates: effective from 1st April 2022
NTET Individual Membership: £38.00
Affiliated Club Membership: £38.00
Joint Adult Membership: £57.00
Single SAC Membership: £15.00
Joint SAC Membership: £22.50
Fam 1 (1 NTET + 1 SAC): £53.00
Fam 2 (1 NTET + 2 SAC): £60.50
Fam 3 (2 NTET + 1 SAC): £72.00
Fam 4 (2 NTET + 2 SAC): £79.50
(Joint and Family Memberships are offered to those living at the same address. If signed up to a Joint or Family Membership group, you will receive one of any copy of ‘Steaming’ or ‘Raising Steam’.)
By joining the National Traction Engine Trust you agree to be bound by the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Trust and to contribute a sum not exceeding One Pound to the assets of the club in the event of its being wound up while you are a member or within one year of ceasing to be a member, if called upon to do so. You also agree to comply with the Health & Safety Policy & Safety Policy of the Trust.

Gift Aid is a scheme available to charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs). It means they can claim extra money from HMRC.
Under this scheme the NTET, as a registered charity, can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you pay as your membership subscription. That is as long as you’ve paid enough tax and make the donation from your own funds.
That means Gift Aid can increase the value of your subscription by 25%, and provide the NTET with further funds at no cost to yourself.
To see how you can increase the value of your subscription click on this link
‘Adding Value to your Membership Subscriptions with Gift Aid‘
Join or Renew Online
You can Join and Renew your membership online using your Debit / Credit card via our PayPal portal or, you can set up a Direct Debit to automatically renew your existing membership.
To pay by Debit or Credit card click on this link to Join or this link to Renew
Interested in Renewing automatically by Direct Debit?
If you would like to remove the drudgery from renewing your membership and also help reduce our admin workload please consider using our Direct Debit Facility. Interested? Then click this link to set up a Direct Debit mandate to renew automatically every year.
Join by Post
You can join the National Traction Engine Trust by filling out the form linked below.
Benefits to Members
Membership is open to anyone who wishes to join—you do not need to be an owner or driver of an engine. Your membership subscription ensures our work can continue and also provides good value for money by way of “Steaming” magazine.
Steaming magazine is the quarterly, world acclaimed publication by the NTET. It provides communication from the Trust to its members, technical topics, historical articles and photos, information on events and engines around the U.K. as well as free classified adverts available to members.
The NTET produce an extensive rally list, detailing all NTET authorised events across the U.K. This list is distributed with Steaming, at rallies and in hundreds of tourist information centres across the U.K. so as to give maximum support and advertising to the authorised rallies. NTET authorised events have paid a small fee and agree to abide by the Rally Organisers Code of Practice, as produced by the Rally Organisers section of the NTET, which if followed ensures a safe and trouble free event.
An annual Driver Experience course is organised by the Engine Owners Committee and is tailored for beginners, intermediate and advanced students at a reasonable price for anyone over the age of 13. The course covers a range of subjects through technical lectures and practical demonstrations as well as hand on driving experience.