Missing Disc Data causing frustration for Authorised Event Organisers.
When the new on-line Insurance Disc system went live earlier in the year, we were not aware that data for some Insurance Discs which had been issued using the old redundant system was not made available to us for loading into the new system.
Consequently, when using the Disc Search facility, Event Organisers are unable to find evidence of those discs but are then concerned to find that ‘active’ Discs are displayed on their engines.
The NTET acknowledges that this situation is frustrating but emphasise that it is not a reflection of the performance of the new system and is not of the NTET’s making.
The data relating to new discs issued by the on-line system will always be available to the Disc Search facility and as the season wears on the gap created by the ‘missing discs’ will no longer be an issue.