NTET Photo Competition 2023

The family of the late John Cook, who was a great servant of the Trust, presented a cup in his memory to be awarded in a photographic competition.
The rules are simple and essentially informal. High resolution photographs are preferred, or images of a suitable print quality, and with modern phones producing quality shots, now is the chance to showcase your talents.
It is a condition of entry that you assign to the NTET the rights to print your photos (credit will be given to the copyright holder) as we plan to use the twelve best photographs from the categories for use in the 2024 calendar.
All submitted images may be used by the NTET on its website and Facebook page The prize for each section is two memberships of the NTET or SAC with the four winners being selected by our panel of judges and the overall winner will receiving a complimentary place on the 2024 Driving Course. The prizes do not have a monetary value, and you can “gift” them to a friend if you choose.
Entries should be in the following four categories:
Engine portraits. An image featuring an engine stood on its own in a suitable back drop, for example, rally field, village green or town centre, or in a yard.
People. An image which captures a person or persons on or around an engine showing the enjoyment they are getting from their involvement with it.
On the road. An image featuring steam on the road. The picture should display what preserving the heritage of steam on the road is all about.
Working engine. An image of an engine working hard on a saw bench, thrashing drum, rolling a road, hauling a load or similar application.
The competition is open to members and non-members of the Trust. Entries should be sent via e-mail to the editor of Steaming at steaming@ntet.co.uk.
Entries should include full contact details and age if under 16.
The competition is open to all ages and the competition entries must be with the editor by Thursday 31st August in order to be considered by the panel of judges
A display of pictures will be made at the AGM where the John Cook memorial trophy will be awarded to the overall winner.
The decision of the judges is final.